Thursday, June 6, 2013

“It’s a mosquito bite.”

 (The title should be read with a Greek accent from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Thanks for filling that voice in for me.)

For you to fully understand this event that took place in the dead of night while I was sleeping, you should know that I had a Rhinoplasty about 6 months ago. 
… Stop that imagination…
For those not in the medical field, it means I had a nose job; it was for medical reasons that I shall not go into for it would detract from the purpose of this anecdote.  The only thing you need to know is it was extremely painful and it takes a full year to recover.  :-D

             So, I was asleep in my bed when I heard a noise, a buzzing noise. This noise went from one ear to the next back and forth, the insect was definitely scoping out fresh meat. 

I stirred.  

She landed. Right. On. My. New Nose.

My new nose!

In my sleepy delirium I saw her on the tiptop of my nose, that bloodsucking insect thought she had a sense of humor landing on my new nose. Well, I showed her; I smacked her straight off!

Then I cried in pain; protected myself with a heavy-duty pillow, and fell back asleep.

The next morning I learned not to mess with blood-sucking vindictive creatures when I saw the three swollen bites across my forehead, and thanks to my protective husband, she didn’t get the last laugh due to the electric shock that sucked the life right out of her. 

And That’s All Folks!!!